지혜나눔토크 C!talk “교과서 밖의 교육이야기”
4월 8일 토요일 오후 2시~5시 W스테이지_서소문 (오시는 길)
사전예약 (곧 오픈예정입니다.)
대안학교 교사부터 창의교육 기획가까지, 멀리 남아프리카공화국에서부터 미국과 러시아, 그리고 한, 중, 일에 이르는 6개국 10명의 열정교육가들. 세계 곳곳의 현장에서 교육을 변화시켜가고 있는 이들의 흥미로운 이야기를 듣고 함께 직접 대화할 수 있는 시간이 될 예정입니다.
새로운 교육을 함께 그려보는 열띤 토요일 오후를 기대해주세요!
Ingredients for an inspiring exploration of creative education for a better world:
3 hours of engaging presentations and meaningful discussions to immerse in
10 education activists and practitioners from around the world to engage with
Countless of real-life stories, insights and ideas on creative education to share
All we are missing is… YOU
On 8 April from 14:00-17:00, come join us for the first ever C!talk event on alternative education approaches “Beyond Textbooks”, and discover great innovative initiatives that are currently transforming education landscapes all over our world!
From principals of alternative schools in China and Russia, to founders and drivers of programs focusing on social-emotional development in Korea, Japan and USA, to South African and Korean education professionals and activists teaming up to bring quality education to South Africa through mobile means… Get ready to spend a meaningful afternoon interacting with this eclectic group of passionate education activists, learn first-hand about their diverse real-life projects, and exchange dynamic ideas altogether on how we can reimagine education beyond the norm for a better tomorrow.